97. You at Your Best (CEO Summer School)

Have you ever stopped to consider what you're like when you're at your very best? In those moments when you feel confident, fulfilled, and unstoppable in your interior design business? Today, we explore how to tap into your best self more often so you can show up as a stronger leader, designer, and CEO.

Being an interior design entrepreneur is not for the faint of heart. Between managing client relationships, juggling multiple projects, and chasing big goals, self-doubt and insecurity are bound to creep in at times. But even amidst the ups and downs, there are moments when you've felt like you were absolutely nailing it.

In this episode, I share how to identify and leverage those times when you’re at your best so you can embody that version of yourself more often. You'll learn why tapping into your best self always starts with your thoughts and beliefs and how to use those as fuel to generate the feelings and actions that reinforce your ideal state.

CEO Summer School is my summer podcast series where we’ll explore the power of questions. Click here to join me in CEO Summer School!

If you're interested in working together one-on-one in the fall or winter, now is the time to put your name on the waitlist for private coaching. Click here to secure your spot!

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • How being at your best isn’t about being perfect 100% of the time or constantly fixing yourself.

  • Why being at your best starts with your thoughts and beliefs about yourself.

  • How to identify the specific thoughts generating your most positive, confident emotions.

  • The importance of recognizing when you feel great. 

  • How to leverage your best moments to build unstoppable momentum in your business.

  • Why external validation is great, but believing in yourself is the real key.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Hey designer, you’re listening to episode 97. This is our sixth lesson in the CEO Summer School series, and this is going to round us out. Today we’re talking about you and when you are at your best, because when you're at your best, which of course you won’t be all the time. But when you are at your best you are stronger, more confident, you are a better leader in your business. You're more creative and nimble in your designs and are a happier, more fulfilled person who gets to show up in those many facets of your personal and professional life.

Welcome to The Interior Design Business CEO, the only show for designers who are ready to confidently run and grow their businesses without the stress and anxiety. If you're ready to develop a bigger vision for your interior design business, free up your time, and streamline your days for productivity and profit, you're in the right place. I'm Desi Creswell, an award-winning interior designer and certified life and business coach. I help interior designers just like you stop feeling overwhelmed so they can build profitable businesses they love to run. Are you ready to confidently lead your business, clients, and projects? Let's go.

Hello designer, welcome back to the podcast. We are here with the sixth lesson of the CEO Summer School series. I can’t believe that we are through summer and just about done with this. This is the last session before we wrap it up on September 11th, and I’m going to have an episode for you on how to use what you’ve learned and what you’ve discovered through CEO Summer School as you move forward in your interior design business. So that’s going to be amazing.

And if you're just finding the podcast or are listening to this in the future, post summer, you can still get all of the bonus guides that pair with the CEO Summer School lessons. The registration link will still be up, it’s totally free. If you go to desiid.com/summerschool you’ll get instant access to all of those one-sheet reflection guides when you enter in your email. And that will pair with each of the episodes so you can go back and work through CEO Summer School at your own pace and apply what you're learning directly to your own interior design business.

Today what I want to talk to you about is you at your best. You at your best, of course, does not mean the best or perfect self. No one is ever 100% at their best 100% of the time. Let’s just be clear about that before we dive into the topic. And I also don’t believe that we as individuals are projects where we have an endless list of things that we need to fix and improve upon. That’s not what I’m talking about, because we’re always evolving, growing, learning and becoming that next version of us.

But I think it is important to tune into when we are feeling amazing and when we’re showing up in the way that we want to show up both personally in our lives and also in your interior design business. What I want from you with this episode is to be able to tap into those times when you have felt amazing and leverage that for the future. Those times during your day where you felt confident, fulfilled, successful in your interior design business, and trusting that you were on the right path.

I know firsthand that the interior design industry has a lot of challenges. I haven’t talked about my story in a really long time, now that I’m thinking about this on the podcast. For anyone new, I was an interior designer for a very long time working both in the commercial space and also having my own residential design practice. And let me tell you, I know that this industry is not always easy.

And also being an entrepreneur who is setting new and bigger goals, that is just bound to bring up self doubt and insecurities. So sometimes we don’t always feel at our best, but even with the ebb and flow that comes with building a business and managing projects and working with those client relationships, there are those times when you have felt like you were nailing it.

And what I want you to hear is that tapping into those moments, that is always available to you. Remembering who you were and of course who you still are, but you’ve just lost sight of that version of you, is always available. No one can take those moments away from you when you know you are at your best, except for you.

I wanted to focus on you being at your best for this last lesson because when you know when and why you felt your best in the past, you can use those moments to embody that version of yourself more often. It’s like leveraging you and the best parts of you that you love and are contributing to the types of results you want in your interior design business. When we think of being at our best, it’s often associated with a feeling. And being at your best starts with a feeling. We can have all sorts of external things going on and still feel like we are showing up our best.

When you’re feeling confident, when you’re feeling calm and certain and empowered or whatever other positive emotions you associate with being at your best, what’s happening is you are believing thoughts about yourself that generate those emotions. Yes, those moments might be associated with external wins or accolades, but at the same time, even though those external circumstances exist, you are still believing something powerful about yourself in those moments that were creating those feelings of being at your best.

I know this for a fact because I have worked with hundreds, and if we count the number of people that I’ve worked with through webinars or listening to podcasts you could say thousands of designers. And I know that this is true because there are plenty of designers who win awards, get published, surpass that million or multi-million dollar revenue marker, and they don’t allow themselves to soak it up when they are at their best.

You’ve probably experienced this too, when someone pays you a compliment, but then you brush it off or you compare yourself to some other designer who you believe is farther along or doing it better. You don’t allow yourself to feel at your best because you don’t believe you are at your best. And that’s why I want to pull it back in, pull it inward this week and have you recognized those moments when you have felt great. And I want you to capture it for yourself today with a question I’m going to pose for this lesson of CEO Summer School.

What I want you to do is think of a time when you felt amazing, maybe confident, fulfilled, self-assured, unstoppable, thriving in your business. And maybe that’s even now. And in those moments, what were you believing about yourself, about your business, and about your future capacity for success? Those thoughts or collection of thoughts, which I call beliefs, are what were creating or are creating the emotions you feel.

When you feel better, you’re naturally going to do better. Think of the types of actions and the way that you show up when you are generating positive emotion. It reinforces your state of being at your best. Whatever example you just called to mind, or hopefully there’s many examples that you can think of, there are associated beliefs that you have about yourself that are creating those feelings of being at your best. Those thoughts were true to you then, and they can be true to you now, even if today feels like a hard day, or you’ve recently experienced a setback.

If today is one of those days when you’re feeling like you are at your best, soak it up, write it down. Note what you are believing about yourself, your business, and your future. You want to capture these beliefs and keep them handy so that you can leverage them on those hard days. And use the momentum you have now when you are feeling your best to continue feeling great and doing amazing things in your interior design business.

Before we wrap up, I want to make a quick note here. If it does feel challenging to call to mind a time when you were feeling that inner strength, a reminder to be generous with yourself. Just like you would see a friend, a child, or even a pet in their best light, knowing they don’t always show up that way, allow yourself to see and talk to yourself as if you are at your best right now. Be generous with the way that you talk to you about you.

I’m going to give you the question again. And of course, if you’re already enrolled in CEO Summer School, then you will have the bonus guide that you can take some time to think about this plus layer in additional prompts to help really solidify this concept for you. But again, here’s the question. Think of a time when you felt great. I know for so many of you, confidence comes up here. But whatever that emotion is, think of that time when you felt so amazing. And in that moment or moments recognize what you were believing about yourself, about your business and about your capacity for future success.

If you aren’t already enrolled in CEO Summer School, now’s the time to subscribe to the show and go to desiid.com/summerschool. It is not too late to join us, enter your email and for free, you will get instant access to the guide so you can answer this question for yourself, put pen to paper and dig a little bit deeper. It is going to be so, so beneficial for you to have an understanding of what it is that you believe about yourself and be able to call on those beliefs during challenging times and also to leverage them when things are going really well so that you can build on your momentum.

Next week on the podcast, you’ll have an episode that further supports your exploration of this question. And that’ll be the last re-air we do from this year and we’ll be back with brand new weekly episodes.

Before you go, I also want to give you a quick heads up that this fall I will be opening up a few spots for one-on-one coaching. If you’ve been thinking that you want to work with me in this very high-touch, intimate way, now is the time to get your name on the waitlist so that way you are the first to know when those spots are available and we can set up a time to talk and ensure that it’s a great fit for both of us.

The link will be in the show notes, but if you want to just type it in, it’s desiid.com/privatecoachingwaitlist. That is how you’ll be the first to know when spots for one-on-one coaching become available.

With that, I am wishing you a beautiful week, as always. And I’ll talk to you in the next episode.

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Just click the link in the show notes to submit your review so I know how to get in touch. I can't wait to select a winner and it might be you. I'll talk to you next week.

Thanks for joining me for this week’s episode of The Interior Design Business CEO. If you want more tips, tools and strategies visit www.desicreswell.com. And if you’re ready to take what you’ve learned on the podcast to the next level, I would love for you to check out my signature group coaching program, Out of Overwhelm.

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98. How to Increase Your Confidence in Your Interior Design Business


96. Becoming Your Future Self: A Leadership Journey