127. How Design Retreats Can Help You Grow Your Business with Jennifer Davis
Have you been feeling stuck in your interior design business lately? Are you ready to level up but unsure of the next steps to take? Attending a professional retreat or conference could be just the spark you need to reignite your passion and grow your business to new heights.
126. How to Stop Doing Things Last Minute: 5 Tips to Take Control
I dive into the mindset shifts and practical strategies you need to stop doing things last minute. From dropping the self-judgment to finding intrinsic motivation, these tips will help you become more proactive, efficient, and calm in your work.
125. Prepare Your Business for Summer Now
If the thought of a break brings up a ton of fears and worries, it’s time to start planning now to ensure your interior design business is set up for success during those sweet summer months. Whether you want to take extended time off, work a reduced schedule, or simply navigate the changes in rhythm that summer brings, it's important to be intentional about your approach.
124. Fear of Wasting Time: Why Withholding Effort Holds You Back
I reframe the idea of "wasted" time and effort and discover how to drop the resistance, stop withholding, and start moving forward with more efficiency and less effort. By the end of this episode, you'll have a new perspective on how to approach challenges in your business and feel empowered to take action without fear.
123. Nancy Ganzekaufer & Desi Share 6 Ways to Leverage Your Time to Increase Your Profit
I'm joined by fellow interior design business coach Nancy Ganzekaufer for a collaborative conversation about six actionable strategies to make the most of your time. From planning your days for maximum efficiency to using AI to streamline communication and project proposals, these tips will help you work smarter, not harder.
122. 3 Game-Changing Routines Every Interior Design CEO Needs
Discover how to bookend your week with purpose, schedule time for leadership and focused work, and track the data that matters most. I'm addressing some of the common obstacles that might come up as you implement these routines and giving you strategies to overcome them.
121. Negative Thought Spirals: 5 Ways to Stay Calm and Focused
Join me as I share five powerful techniques to stop negative thought spirals in their tracks. You'll learn how to separate yourself from your thoughts, ground yourself in the present moment, and find new perspectives that empower you to take action.
120. Choosing New Design Business Opportunities Without Overload
Whether you're considering a new design project, partnership, conference, or even your own ideas, this episode will give you the tools to make confident decisions without regret or overextending yourself. Get ready to take control of your schedule and ensure that every opportunity you pursue is fully aligned with your goals and values.
119. Taking the Leap: Risk & Reward When You Invest
Learn how to reframe risk, get clear on the facts, and ultimately develop the willingness to bet on yourself and your business's potential. By the end, you'll be equipped with a new perspective on risk and reward that will empower you to take the leaps necessary to level up and achieve your wildest entrepreneurial dreams.
118. Enough Chances to Succeed: Staying Committed to Pursuing Your Goals
Learn practical strategies for overcoming obstacles, celebrating small wins, and continually recommitting to your vision. If you're ready to make meaningful changes in your business this year, this episode will give you the motivation and tools you need to stay the course.
117. Scaling Through Meaningful Relationships with Blue Pencil Collective
We dive into their client discovery call process, marketing strategies to attract ideal clients, and the importance of creating time to build and nurture relationships with clients, team members, and project partners.
116. 3 Essential Things to Focus On in Q1 for Your Interior Design Business
I dive into the importance of nurturing relationships, gaining visibility through aligned marketing efforts, and integrating the lessons learned from the previous year. Plus, I share some powerful questions you can ask yourself to get clarity on how to apply these focus areas in your unique business. Let's set ourselves up for an incredible year ahead!
115. Follow Through on Your Goals: Self Accountability Strategies for Interior Designers
Learn practical tips for strengthening your self-accountability muscles. I share the key differences between self-accountability and discipline, explain how to build internal motivation by connecting your daily actions to your larger business vision, and reveal why treating yourself as your most important client is a game-changer.
114. Empowering Beliefs and Powerful Questions to Reach Your 2025 Goals
Discover powerful questions and beliefs to help you make decisions and pursue your goals with purpose in the coming year. Join me in reflecting on where you are undecided, where you may be straddling decisions, and what needs to happen for you to step into your next level as a designer CEO. Let's make 2025 a year of turning your wants into your reality!
113. Overcome Goal Aversion to Reach Your Full Potential
Learn why we set goals as business owners, how to identify where resistance is showing up for you, and what you can do to move past it. Discover how embracing discomfort and building self-trust can help you navigate the goal-setting process and unlock the next level of your interior design business.
112. Progress Goals vs Outcome Goals: Staying Motivated and on Track with Your Goals
Learn what progress goals and outcome goals are, how they differ, and why you need both to not only make consistent progress toward your desired results, but to make the journey there so much more enjoyable. I show you how setting clear and measurable milestones helps you stay focused on what matters most, and why these approaches will help you take your goal-setting to the next level.
111. 5 Key Ingredients to Make 2025 Your Best Year Yet
Join me in this episode as I walk you through each of the five key elements of effective goal-setting. Learn the most common reason goal-setting falls flat, how to stop working against yourself and create a smooth path forward instead, and my roadmap for making your big goals a reality in 2025.
110. Defining Enough
I explore how to identify when you need to define enough, the different ways to approach it, and the transformative power of making that decision for yourself. From setting financial goals to managing your time and team, knowing what enough means for you is crucial for success, and I guide you through this process today.
109. Uplevel Your Brand Messaging & Positioning: Copywriting for Interior Designers with Deb Mitchell
From the importance of authentic brand positioning to crafting a compelling voice that builds trust with your ideal clients, Deb shares her expert insights on the power of investing in strategic messaging for your business. Learn Deb’s tips for making empowered decisions about your brand messaging and positioning, and the internal growth that’s required when you want to up-level.
108. Break Free from the Productivity Trap: A New Perspective on Getting It Done
Join me this week to hear some hard truths about productivity that might surprise you. But don't worry, I also share some good news that will help you approach your work in a more intentional and sustainable way. You’ll learn why more isn’t necessarily better, how the productivity trap strings you along, and most importantly, how to break free from it.