Successful interior design business.
Joy in all areas of your creative work.
A deep sense of satisfaction and well-being

There’s no need to choose — you can have success and enjoy it too.

 Most interior designers skip this important step… 

Clearly defining what “success” means to you.

As a former interior designer myself, I get it. Even after being published and winning awards, I know what it’s like to feel like you’re drowning in the spin of the day-to-day.

 You have a bigger vision for your interior design business. Here’s how we can work together:

  • Out of Overwhelm

    Group Coaching Experience

    An intimate group experience for interior designers that will take you from overwhelmed & stressed to calm & in control. Join a supportive community of like-minded business owners as you take a holistic approach to creating a business you love.

  • Designed to Thrive

    1:1 Coaching Partnership

    It's time to create your ideal life and business. Let's make it happen, together. Private coaching partnerships are are fully customized to meet your specific needs. We'll use mindset tools to uncover what's been holding you back and take strategic action to proactively create your future.


 I’m Desi, a Master Certified Life & Business Coach for interior designers who are exhausted from the hamster wheel and want to get out of the hustle. 

As a former interior designer who found another way, I understand how it feels when design details are slipping through the cracks, and revenue is certainly not reflecting the long hours and late nights.

I’m a creative business owner too, and my business is an integral part of my life. 

I was overwhelmed with wearing all the hats and working way too much — until I discovered mindset work.


 Who I work with

I coach interior designers who feel overwhelmed and exhausted with running their business. Most of the creatives I work with have been in business for a few years or have been building momentum for several years.


⟶ Feeling burned out

While they start off checking all the boxes  — establishing a clientele and building a strong reputation, they hit a wall. And whether they’re burnt out or have bumped into a revenue ceiling, they know they can’t keep going without making a change. They want steady, intentional growth.


Want to live more ⟵

My clients wish they had more time and energy to be creative and to enjoy their lives outside of work, but have nothing left by the end of the day. Even though it feels like they’ve tried everything, they still aren’t getting the results they want. The reason — they’re skipping an important step — mindset. 


Doing the mindset work in our coaching together helps my clients get out of their heads so they can create lasting, sustainable change.


 What we do together

My clients love that I bring my diverse background to our coaching experience. I’ve worked at world-renowned design and architecture firms, consulted for one of the largest hotel companies in the industry, and built a profitable residential interior design practice that allowed me to be there for preschool pick up and make it to the gym. 

Through my intimate group program or in private coaching, I coach designers through mindset tools and practical strategies so that they can make the time to build meaningful progress toward their business and life goals. Their vision is unique to them — and I support them in getting there. 

Using the tools my clients learn from our work together, they completely shift their mindsets so that their work and life support one another, and importantly, they enjoy both. 

From smooth and efficient systems and processes, scheduling, and self-accountability to creating a business and life vision, developing confidence, and adopting a success mindset, after working together, they’ve fully stepped into the CEO role. 

And I want that for you, too.

Kind words from past clients


It's so great knowing I have Desi as a resource when it comes to making decisions, forming an action plan or working through an obstacle. Her approach is clear and she empowers me to use the same tools so I can also approach these aspects of business on my own. 

Desi has such a calming demeanor, yet she’s straightforward and clear. Working with her is the perfect mix of mindset work and clear actionable tasks to help create the results you want. 

I would definitely recommend Desi to anyone in the industry. She has very clear and organized systems for how she works, but working with her is completely custom and catered to you. 

– Sarah Montgomery, Sarah Montgomery Design

I decided to work with Desi because I struggled to balance the personal and professional areas of my life. I needed to sift through the chaos, find boundaries, and refocus. I had no idea how impactful our sessions together would be.

Desi has helped me (1) find a better work/life balance that allows both the personal and professional areas of my life to really thrive, (2) show up as my best, confident self every. single. day, and (3) set lofty goals and become the person who makes those goals a reality. Just work with Desi — it will change your life.”

– Erin Francois, Francois Et Moi

“Before coaching with Desi, I was a solo designer with a full plate of client work and ideas for up-leveling my business, but was spinning on the next steps and how to prioritize them. I now have a team supporting me and my clients as well as internal systems, and I have the tools to work through the thoughts that come up and challenge my progress. I also used the tools Desi shared with me to transform key patterns and mindsets in my personal life that impacted my life tremendously. 

Desi will give you the tools to find the answers inside yourself that you couldn't see on your own before. Before we worked together, I was feeling overwhelmed, frustrated, confused, and nervous about making the right decisions and taking the right actions. Now I have a framework to choose my priorities for myself and my business, and I'm using that along with tools like time blocking to plan my week instead of letting fires and squeaky wheels dictate my days. I feel in control, confident, and I give myself grace a lot faster when things don't go as expected.”