Years ago I was stretched thin and exhausted from running my interior design business.

Through a lot of experimentation, I found a sustainable way to fulfill my creative vision and run a successful business - all while building the life I imagined so many years ago.

I want this for you too. 

I’m Desi, a Master Certified Life & Business Coach and Inner Voice Facilitator for interior designers who want to intentionally grow profitable, fulfilling businesses that support their version of personal and professional success.

As a former interior designer myself, I understand the unique challenges and joys of this industry. Despite the achievements and accolades I earned, as my career progressed, the lows frequently outweighed the highs. I knew something had to change if I were to keep going. 

I looked good on paper with a design degree, credentials and published work, but I was exhausted from the constant anxiety and stress that came from chasing achievement. I was successful in many ways, but my mental and emotional wellbeing was suffering. 

I was overwhelmed trying to wear all of the hats and be everything to everyone - both in my business and with my family. I spent at least a year thinking about hiring a coach. Once I did, I never looked back.

I saw that the suffering and stress I experienced was optional. I had way more agency than I ever believed - and I had to address my mindset.

As I transformed myself as a person, and made shifts in how I operated my interior design business, I had the vision of helping others do the same. It has become my purpose and contribution to the design industry. 

Take a trip down memory lane and know that change is possible - even when you're in the thick of whatever is weighing you down.

Burning out in commercial design & going for it.

Before I started my residential business, I worked in commercial design. While I loved the impact I created through public spaces, I was burnt out from working 60+ hour weeks (not to mention throwing in half-marathon training and acing the NCIDQ). Putting in crazy hours was the norm. I was entertaining the idea of leaving design altogether to escape the stress I felt daily in my work and create some breathing room.

I took the leap, bet on myself, and started my design business. 

My residential design business started with a vision for my future family. I wanted to set myself up for flexibility and was excited to structure my days to fit my personal priorities and do something that I loved. It felt risky to go out on my own, but now I see that investing in myself was the safest bet I could make.

Before long I realized that I ended up creating another job for myself - exactly what I didn’t want.

Between having our first child and growing the business, I never felt like I was doing enough at home or work. I was constantly busy but without a clear goal or vision of where I was headed. Now I know that in reality I was over capacity and unrealistic expectations of myself. 

I was managing a household, rental properties, client projects and then there were so many things I wanted to do to improve the business but never found the time.

I was operating under the belief that more and faster were synonymous with safety, security, and success. Unconsciously I adopted this mindset and it was bleeding into every area of my life and business.

I never allowed myself to enjoy the success I created at home and in my work.   

Instead of relishing in the accolades of being published, hitting financial goals, and designing my first showcase house, I focused on how I should be farther along. The anxiety persisted and I continued to move the goal post. 

I believed I could just figure out the “right” way to do things or worked hard enough I would “arrive” and I could finally relax.

Turns out, it doesn’t work that way.

I thought the solution was quitting, so I took a year off.

Without knowing any other way to create balance, I took a year off after our second child was born. Before my daughter could walk, I started to get the itch to go back to work, hoping that this time would be different. 

I had started to delve into personal development and began learning from the woman who would later become one of my mentors.   

I started to question myself — this time, with support. 

I finally invested in myself and hired my first coach. I had thought that what I needed was to define how much I would “work” and how much I would “mom.” While this was helpful to consider, that was just the beginning. 

With support, I had space to dream about what could be possible. My coach taught me to find answers within myself — a radical concept since I had always looked to others for guidance and authority. I found that my way could be the best way.  

We have to decide what we want — not what we think we can have.

I had to redefine success on my own terms and push the limits on what I thought was possible.

At first that meant being there for preschool pick up, hitting the gym mid-day, and working with incredible clients. Today success looks differently because my life looks different. My kids are a bit older and I support them in other ways. It also means I structure my schedule to maximize vacation time with any school break we get. 

Success is fluid. Allow it to evolve as you and your business grow together. Create your vision and bring intentionality and purpose into your planning process.     

Whether it’s sharing my latest concepts or tools on The Interior Design Business CEO podcast, or working directly with clients, I love the design industry and would be honored to support you. 

Click here to learn more about how I can help you through coaching.

 Pour a cup of coffee and get to know me:

  • Desi is my real name. My parents wanted a short name to pair with a last name (maiden) no one could pronounce.

  • I love to support local farms — I actually have an extra refrigerator for our produce.

  • I'm laid back, and I have some intensity to me. I don’t do anything half-you-know-what.

  • My parti poodle Olive is my constant companion — don't worry, she keeps all client conversations confidential.

  • 5 am is my wake-up call — my morning exercise is “me time” and a must before the rest of the house is awake.

  • I helped design a university for women in Saudi Arabia when I was a commercial designer at Perkins+Will.

  • I’m a co-author in LuAnn Nigara's book, A Well-Designed Business: The Power Talk Friday Experts, Volume 2.

  • I’m an NCIDQ certificate holder, LEED AP, and prone to overachieving.

  • I trust that everyone is doing their best — including you. Adopt this belief and it will transform your connections.

Are you ready to grow as a Designer CEO?

I can help.