27. Mindset Myths

Mindset is becoming more and more of a hot topic. I’ve seen this to be true in the last few years, I believe in the power of mindset, and want these conversations to continue to grow. However, there are common myths around mindset that are holding you back from fully experiencing the benefits of using these tools.

Whether you blame yourself for not doing mindset “right,” find yourself in self-judgment around this work, or think of it as something nice that you’ll get to eventually, this week, I’m showing you why we need to pay attention to the myths about mindset.

Using your brain as a pillar of support as you grow your life and business is a practice. Tune in this week to hear what maintaining mindset is really about, why it’s a practice that is ever-evolving with you, and the three myths we have to dismantle so you can see the impact it can truly have. 

My brand new workshop, Freedom in the Framework, is taking place on May 9th and 11th 2023 over Zoom. This is a workshop all about time management and simple scheduling routines that will kick off enrollment for Out of Overwhelm, my signature six-month program designed to take you from overwhelmed and stressed to profitable, in control, and fulfilled! Enrollment for our summer round opens May 15th 2023 through to May 25th 2023, and Freedom in the Framework is the event that will get you started. If you want to learn how to manage your time as a creative in a way that feels both supportive and flexible, click here to get more details! 

If you loved today’s topic, let’s make sure you never miss an episode. Follow the show now wherever you listen to podcasts. And if you haven’t already, make the time to leave me a rating and review. As a special thank you for taking the time to share your feedback, I’ll send you a little mid-week pick-me-up in the mail, so simply screenshot your review and send me a message on Instagram!

What You’ll Discover from this Episode:

  • How I define mindset.

  • An important element of mindset that is often forgotten.

  • What happens when mindset is reduced to just positive thinking.

  • Why mindset isn’t about doing it right all the time. 

  • How to use mindset to support you.

  • 3 mindset myths we have to dismantle.

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Full Episode Transcript:

Hey designer, you are listening to episode 27. This is the one where I’m going to dismantle three mindset myths that I see floating around and why you need to pay attention to them.

Welcome to The Interior Design Business CEO, the only show for designers who are ready to confidently run and grow their businesses without the stress and anxiety. If you’re ready to develop a bigger vision for your interior design business, free up your time, and streamline your days for productivity and profit, you’re in the right place. I’m Desi Creswell, an award-winning interior designer and certified life and business coach. I help interior designers just like you stop feeling overwhelmed so they can build profitable businesses they love to run. Are you ready to confidently lead your business, clients, and projects? Let’s go.

Welcome back to the podcast. Hope you’re doing well. Today is a sunny day, but it’s unfortunately gotten cold. But, as usual, that’s not going to get in the way of me going for my mid-day walk with Olive, our poodle. I’m actually really excited because I just downloaded a new audible, it’s called Real Self-Care.

I heard the author on another podcast and was really intrigued when she started talking about faux self-care, which is so in line with the way I view self-care. I think often we think, oh, if we just take a bubble bath then we’ll be fine. But let’s be honest, a bubble bath can’t solve all problems. So I’m looking forward to listening to it.

I’m just a little bit into it so I can’t give a full report. I will say, the last audible I listened to was The Perfectionist’s Guide to Losing Control, and I highly, highly recommend that one. Really good.

Before we start talking about the mindset myths and why you need to pay attention to these, I want to remind you that Freedom in the Framework, my brand-new workshop is coming up. It’s May 9th and 11th. This is where you’re going to create your personalized time framework where you’re going to be able to prioritize your business goals alongside your client work and make space for the other things that are important in your business.

The thing that I want to emphasize with the Freedom in the Framework approach is that it’s going to be a framework for your time that is flexible enough to bend without breaking, but it’s also going to be structured enough that your flexibility doesn’t turn into chaos. This is also a great opportunity to check out coaching for the first time.

The first session on May 9th is going to be a workshop where I’m going to be teaching and helping you create that framework live on the call. And then the session on the 11th is going to be me coaching you and anyone else on the call. You can go to desiid.com/framework to sign up, the link will also be in the show notes. It’s only $47. It is a steal and I highly recommend that you come, whether you’re new to me or you’re a past or current client.

I’m teaching this in a brand new way and it’s going to be so supportive. It’s also how you’re going to get first access to those limited spots in Out Of Overwhelm, which opens up to everyone for enrollment on May 15th. Let’s dive into the episode now.

This is where I want to really break down mindset and the myths that I see around using these tools. The idea for this podcast episode came up recently when I was having conversations on some other people’s podcasts, including LuAnn Nigara. This is my fifth time being interviewed on the Well-Designed Business Podcast, which is super exciting.

That episode is out, it aired on April 21st, so you can hear my conversation with LuAnn. And also, I wanted to dive into this topic a little bit more than what we were able to talk about in that episode because that wasn’t really the main purpose of that episode.

Mindset is becoming more and more of a hot topic, I’ve seen this in the last few years. And I clearly believe in mindset and want these conversations to continue to grow. And I also think that there are some common myths around mindset that are holding you back from fully experiencing the benefit of these tools or keeping mindset really in the realm of something that sounds nice, but you’ll get to that eventually.

Before we talk about the mindset myths, I want to talk about how I define mindset so that you know where I’m coming from. The way that I think about it is a thought that we have or a belief, which is really a thought that we’ve thought so many times that it’s just ingrained and we believe it to be true.

So we have these thoughts that generate emotions, and that impacts the way that we take action or don’t take action. And then that creates our results. So our thinking is always going to impact our experience and our reality.

Another important element of mindset that I think is often forgotten is the emotions piece. In general I see mindset being referred to as this blanket definition of thinking or positive thinking, which I’ll go into a little bit more. And it’s not just your thinking. It’s also the emotions that fuel the actions or keep you stuck from taking action that you want to take, that impact the results in your life.

When I talk about mindset, and the way that I teach it to my clients, it is really all about working with your brain instead of working against it. One of the mindset tools that I use with my clients and also teach them how to use for themselves is the self-coaching model, which is a concept that I learned through The Life Coach School and its founder Brooke Castillo. This is where I became a certified coach and will soon be one of their master certified coaches.

I highlight this to say that I am specifically trained to support you in using mindset tools to create the life and business you want. Which is very different than telling you to simply just have better thoughts, which brings me to myth one that I want to break down for you.

And myth one is that mindset is the same as positive thinking. I was recently in California and stopped in a smoothie juice bar place and they had this really cool plant wall with a neon sign, bright pink. It did look great against the green plants. And it said, “Positive vibes only.”

Now this made for a great sign, and sometimes mindset is thinking positively. But it’s also more nuanced than that. When mindset is reduced to just positive thinking, I liken it to painting a room and leaving all of the ratty furniture in there, and then pretending that the whole space looks amazing. Or that expression that you’ve heard, putting lipstick on a pig. That’s like, okay, not buying that transformation.

I want to point out that sometimes there are things you don’t want to feel good about, maybe that’s initially or ever. And that recognizing this as part of mindset work is how you’re going to use it to support you. For example, you might feel disappointed when a dream client you thought for sure would sign the proposal doesn’t end up signing at all.

Or maybe a client says something in a not very skillful way about your presentation and you might want to feel hurt. That’s totally normal. You can feel the feels, and also in the way that I teach mindset, you can also learn to understand that you don’t need your clients or your goals or your business to behave in a certain way in order for you to still feel empowered and be able to move through whatever challenges arise.

We always want to allow space for the human experience because it’s real. There is no off-ramp. And trying to always be positive about things you don’t want to have happen, or results you maybe have that you would prefer not to have, what ends up happening is I see people blaming themselves for not doing mindset right. Or judging themselves. Like they should be able to snap out of this or I should just get over this. And that judgment just ends up layering on additional pain.

There’s a real difference between allowing yourself to experience whatever is coming up for you and then skillfully moving through it, and choosing how you want to think about it so that it doesn’t keep you stuck and that you can move forward. Versus trying to shove it down with positive thinking.

In Out Of Overwhelm there’s lots of tools to do this because, ultimately, you might want to choose to move on and shift the way that you’re thinking and feeling because it isn’t serving you and it’s limiting you in some way. And that’s where you can allow mindset to be both. Where you can allow yourself to let the experience be what it is, process that experience and then use what you’ve learned from whatever happened to move forward because of it and be better off because of it.

With myth number one, often that whiplash approach, going from negative thinking to positive thinking is just too drastic for us. And it’s actually preventing you from moving to a better feeling emotional state where you could take effective action and get back to seeing how you have authority and power in whatever circumstances arise.

The second myth I want to talk about is this idea that you have to be thinking positively all of the time to create the results you want. This is unattainable. We have thousands and thousands of thoughts per day. Some are going to be negative thoughts, some are going to be positive, some are going to be neutral.

And once you start to engage with mindset practices, you’re going to develop the skill of watching your own thinking and seeing the variety and the flavors of thoughts that come by in a day. The thing is, we’re not taught to do this. And at first you’re not even going to notice what you’re telling yourself all day.

It can be especially tricky because that internal dialogue is your own voice. So it often seems like yes, this is true. But as you practice mindset the way that I teach you, you’re going to develop the skill where you start to recognize that internal narrative as simply sentences that are optional, and you don’t have to believe them, especially if they’re not serving you or holding you back.

And frankly, you’re not always going to recognize them. Sometimes you are going to have some thoughts running through your brain that are going to lead you to act in a way you wish you didn’t. Or you’re going to not do something that you said you wanted to do. Mindset isn’t about getting it right all of the time. What you’re doing is you’re shifting your behaviors, using a thought/feeling pattern in a way that more often than not is going to have you showing up in a way that’s in alignment with your goals and priorities.

So more often than not is key. You can still accomplish a lot, even when you haven’t uncovered every last limiting belief or you still have some self-doubt or worry that happens. On the episode I mentioned with LuAnn, I was actually sharing that I still get overwhelmed sometimes. And she was really surprised. And then during that interview I was really surprised because I thought, “Really, how does she not know this?”

And I thought, well, okay, so if LuAnn thinks that, you probably think that too. That maybe there is this consistent state of calm that I walk around in and it never falters. And that is not mindset at all. I’m not perfect at maintaining my mindset, and that’s not the point of mindset. It’s not possible. And frankly, if it were, it sounds kind of exhausting.

The difference is that I have the tools to quickly notice the feeling of overwhelm and the thoughts creating it. The big ones being I’m behind and there’s too much to do. And I notice these as thoughts, not facts, and have intentionally shifted my thinking so many times that it’s becoming automatic. And I shorten the cycle between when I am in inaction, or sometimes clients will describe this as paralyzed, and then getting back into action.

I have a huge toolbox of strategies, both the mindset and the actual tactical tools that I teach in Out Of Overwhelm that I’ve developed from my own experience navigating this and developing, over the many years, my own practice of using mindset tools. And even though I have off days, and so do my clients, it doesn’t matter because as long as I continue to use mindset to support me, I don’t have to be stopped in my tracks.

And any kind of spin that my brain wants to offer up, I can notice it and the time that it takes me to recognize it and then get out of it just becomes shorter and shorter and takes less and less energy. Main point being, if you’re not positive all the time, it’s not a problem. You can create incredible things with a half-managed mind.

Which leads me to myth number three, that a good mindset or a positive mindset is the destination, the end point, the end. This is kind of similar to the last one I was talking about, myth number two, but I do think it’s different. I want you to think about this kind of like going to the gym or doing some kind of exercise.

You don’t lift weights and get really strong over the course of six months and then stop and wonder why you don’t have the same muscle a year later. It’s the same with mindset. You’re doing the reps. The reps are part of the process.

I always say that having your own business is one of the greatest personal growth opportunities you’ll ever be offered. And that’s because there’s always new challenges, new levels of growth, new opportunities to learn and possibly fail. The things that come up as you grow your business are like needing to maintain the weightlifting routine and increase your weights as you get stronger.

Using your brain to support you in creating the life and business you want is a practice. And that’s one of the reasons that I teach it in Out Of Overwhelm and give you a daily practice to actually practice the skill of learning to coach yourself and gain insight from yourself so that you have these tools at your disposal long after we’ve worked together.

It’s also why when clients work with me in Out Of Overwhelm they see such a huge difference in reclaiming their time and taking back control of their business. And they also see such an impact for themselves personally, whether that’s consistently carving out time for themselves to do something they enjoy like workout, or they’re having better relationships with their friends or their kids. Or their husband is noticing that they’re less stressed and anxious.

I mean, let’s be real, the husbands like me. I’m just going to say it. It’s all because you go with you. Wherever you go, there you are. So when you use mindset, you’re going to continue to grow as a person, your life’s going to change, your business is going to evolve. And the mindset is a practice that is ever evolving with you.

And I really hope that this comes as a relief knowing that there’s really no rush to get it right. It’s going to grow with you. As I’m saying this, what I’m really picking up on about these three myths is that there is an underlying current of perfectionism.

What I see so often with perfectionism with my clients is that when we believe there is a right or wrong way, or that it’s all or nothing, we prevent ourselves from getting started. And that’s why I wanted to bring the three myths to you, because I don’t want these three myths standing in the way of you seeing the impact that mindset can have on both your life and your business.

Perfectionism is something I know really well because I’ve seen the ways that it can be adaptive and maladaptive for myself in my own life, and also in my clients’ lives. And that’s why I have an entire lesson on it in Out Of Overwhelm.

And if the perfectionism topic is resonating, I want you to check out episode 15, where I break out the difference between excellence versus perfectionism to wiggle your brain loose around this idea. You can, of course, also get coaching and daily direct support from me inside Out Of Overwhelm when you join us.

Enrollment is going to be opening May 15th and you’re going to learn how to use mindset paired, of course, with actionable strategies and the resources to help you implement, such as the planner and the program guide. So that you can manage your time, improve your client and employee relationships, set boundaries, reduce the emotional stress that you’re feeling right now around running your interior design business and so much more.

In the theme of Out Of Overwhelm, in the next episode I’m going to be talking about solving for the most common time and energy leaks in your business. I can’t wait to dive into that topic. And until then, I’m wishing you a beautiful week. I’ll talk to you in the next episode.

I’m going to make the bold assumption that you enjoyed today’s topic. Let’s make sure you never miss an episode; follow the show now wherever you listen to your podcasts. If you haven’t already, I would really appreciate it if you’d make the time to leave me a rating and review. This is how I know what you’re loving so I can share more of it.

And it’s also how you can help others find The Interior Design Business CEO. As a thank you for leaving a rating and review, I want to send you a little midweek pick-me-up in the mail. Simply screenshot your review and send me a message on Instagram, @DesiCreswell. I’ll talk to you next week.

Thanks for joining me for this week’s episode of The Interior Design Business CEO. If you want more tips, tools and strategies visit www.desicreswell.com. And if you’re ready to take what you’ve learned on the podcast to the next level, I would love for you to check out my signature group coaching program, Out of Overwhelm.

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28. Protect Your Time & Energy


26. What Office Hours?