8. The Secret to Solving Any Problem
Do you ever find yourself wondering why some problems in your business keep coming up? Maybe it’s not getting as much done as you wanted in a day, or having to reinvent the wheel every time an issue comes up. We think slowing down to look at what’s going on will delay us from the results we want, but the truth is… it’s the solution.
7. Becoming the CEO Your Business Needs
What does it mean to be the CEO of your interior design business? This is more than just about what you do: it’s about who you’re being. I hear from so many designers that they’re being pulled in a million directions, just trying to keep up. You may see yourself as an unqualified leader, but I’m on a mission to help you step into your role as a confident, empowered CEO.
6. Getting Comfortable with Discomfort
Most of us are taught from a very young age that discomfort is bad and something we need to get rid of as soon as possible. Whether it was being told not to cry as a child, or believing entrepreneurship isn’t meant to be hard, there’s this collective belief that we’re supposed to feel good all the time.
5. The Power of Constraint
What goals are you working towards in your business? Whether you’re working towards income goals, building a team, or you just want to create more calmness and joy in your business, constraint is what’s going to allow you to start taking consistent action toward your goals, instead of getting caught up in the start-stop of doing something new.
4. Client Capacity
Defining your client capacity starts with being clear on how you use your time, making intentional decisions, and of course, honoring those decisions. I’m helping you decide how much you want to work and what kind of money you want to be making, so you can make an informed decision about projects you undertake, how you set your fees, calculate markups, and make that lifestyle balance a reality.
3. Intentional Time Management
Discover some practical approaches to making more effective use of your time, and how to start implementing them. I’m sharing all the other things that become clearer when you start planning and using your time intentionally, to get you out of overwhelm, people pleasing, or anything else that needs addressing in your business.
2. Overwhelm Is Optional
Why your overwhelming thoughts are nothing more than optional sentences in your brain, and why this is the best news ever! I’m showing you what you’re missing out on when you believe overwhelm isn’t optional, and I’m giving you an amazing mindset tool to take control of your overwhelm, stress, and anxiety.
1. Create Your Ideal Life & Interior Design Business
What I’m sharing today is foundational for building a life and business that support one another, as opposed to being in contradiction, where one area has to suffer for the other to thrive. It’s a concept I’m calling Your Life and Business Vision, and it’s the crucial first step to a fulfilling, profitable, and sustainable career as an interior designer.